The Strictly snog

CakeThu 11th October 2018

The Strictly “curse” strikes again and yet, this time, it feels different. There feels like a very real gap between...

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Kink and me: A story about making mistakes and learning to explore sex and desire consciously

CakeThu 4th October 2018

I can still see those first images. The first D/s* images I EVER saw. He had said: you...

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Consciously exploring sex: Mapping your landscapes of desire

CakeThu 4th October 2018

There are many different starting points for the journey into your own landscapes of desire and, hopefully, the...

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Conscious explorations of sex and desire… and the story of my journey into kink and BDSM

CakeThu 4th October 2018

Some of the most powerful scenes in my first book (Appetite) are also the scenes hardly anyone talks about....

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“Wanderlust”, opening up and creating extraordinary relationships

CakeSat 8th September 2018

A shorter version of this piece appeared in The Sun on September 8th 2018… Every relationship, even...

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One-penis policies: processing jealousy and the need for rules about rules

CakeThu 5th July 2018

The question that most people ask, when they learn that a person is exploring a non-monogamous or polyamorous...

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What “The School Of Life” has wrong about polyamory and non-monogamy

CakeMon 25th June 2018

A post from 2016 by The School of Life is making the rounds again and, having watched it,...

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Affairs, desire and conscious relationships

CakeSat 16th June 2018

I recently had a wonderful conversation with writer and traveller, Christine Wild, about desire and conscious relationships, here...

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What having a crush taught me: feelings as signposts to understanding

CakeThu 7th June 2018

I love it when you come across a simple idea communicated effectively in a short piece of writing,...

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