On sofa-boxset-takeaway culture

CakeTue 30th January 2018

A thoughtful and compassionate piece on the big money interests behind our habits… and how only conscious awareness...

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Article in The Sun 25th January 2018

CakeSun 28th January 2018

This is a more accurate reflection of what happened in my relationships and shows the joy that the changes have...

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Being poly and only dating one person

CakeSun 28th January 2018

I have been polyamorous for nearly three years and, yet, for almost the whole of that time I have...

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Boundaries and resolutions

CakeWed 24th January 2018

During the preparation for a second podcast with Christine Wild and Lori Bisbey about the boundaries, it occurred to me...

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Relationship change and acceptance

CakeMon 22nd January 2018

Everything is always changing so nothing can be yours – Shunryu Suzuki I love the sense of calm...

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The Guardian article 20/01/18

CakeSat 20th January 2018

I always hoped sharing my story would help people to see that a changed and ended marriage is...

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Conscious monogamy

CakeWed 17th January 2018

At the start of a new year, many people assess their emotional wellbeing and their relationships. It’s natural...

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Someone you know is kinky…

CakeMon 15th January 2018

One of those someone’s is me. Since the first big interview I have done as part of the publicity...

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Learning how to be alive

CakeTue 2nd January 2018

Learning to write is like learning to be alive: an essentially solitary journey where you are already good...

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