Wake-up call
Your 40’s and/or 50’s can be the time of an existential wake-up call.
If it is, or you sense it might soon be, may I gently suggest that you slow down,
quieten down and tune in. If you do, you will hear life whispering something.
You are hearing the pulse of the universe. The heartbeat of all things. It only ever
says one word: now.
The universe is saying wake up – get out of bed – the time is now.
You can keep pressing that snooze button, rolling back under the warm duvet; or you
can decide to get up.
This is not about action action. That kind of compulsive doing is not necessary. It’s
an invitation. Life is inviting you. It’s reaching out a hand and saying, come on, let’s
see what we can do, be and give today.
This is about taking steps every day to act from intention and with purpose. This is
about acting with consideration for your future self as well as you in the now. This is
your life asking you to live it.
The more we press snooze, the quieter the insistent inner wisdom gets, and the
harder it becomes to hear the heartbeat of the universe.
Like a child, it learns that it won’t get your attention by asking, so soon it will give up
and go silent – or act out. That might look like an accident, like an illness, like a big
change. Life will rip off the duvet and kick you out of bed. Or life will simply vanish,
Listen to the heartbeat of the universe. Get up before life kicks you out of that
deceptively comfortable bed. Before life drifts away unseen, unheard, unfelt: unlived.
The time is now.