Everything is always changing so nothing can be yours – Shunryu Suzuki I love the sense of calm...
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I always hoped sharing my story would help people to see that a changed and ended marriage is...
At the start of a new year, many people assess their emotional wellbeing and their relationships. It’s natural...
One of those someone’s is me. Since the first big interview I have done as part of the publicity...
Learning to write is like learning to be alive: an essentially solitary journey where you are already good...
I always describe Appetite as being about food and sex and it is but it is more than...
Sometimes we uncover BIG things. Sometimes, the work of months and months of therapy can feel very unrewarding,...
I read this article and posted this tweet today. No explicit conversations, relying on “mutual understanding”, ignoring boundaries...
Label-free and limitless relationships: Embracing relational authenticity One of the first things we do with children is teach...